Surcode cd pro dts encoder for windows
Surcode cd pro dts encoder for windows

That's what makes it so attractive to car manf's - no need to have a completely new optical drive. All you need to do for DTSCD is add in a few chips, and outputs, and bam. In fact, the usage of surround in AAC & vorbis is much greater than MP3surround, but it's not a car standard. So there's really no reason to use it, at all. and almost nothing can decode or encode MP3surround these days."The file size is approximately 10% larger than that of a typical MP3 file." means that it's not quite discrete surround, meaning quality & imaging will be compromised.MP3surround was not part of the initial standard so content creators can't be sure that people can hear what they intended.There were other, more successful things.No-one uses MP3 for surround - it never really took off since Click to expand.Just because you read it on wikipedia doesn't mean it is actually in use.

Surcode cd pro dts encoder for windows